What a day to be riding. Anyone who didn't get out today to ride really missed a great opportunity. We had the local get acquainted ride with Darcy and the run to Folsom to support the HOG Chapter.
When I arrived at the Pittsburg shop at 7:30, the coffee was on and the doors were open for us thanks to Daisy. 26 bikes and 7 passengers left the shop at 8:00 am for the run to Folsom. Two more of our chapter members joined us a Walnut Grove for the ride. We went out highway 4 to the Antioch Bridge, took the Twin Cities turn off of 160. The ride was a little chilly for about an hour and then it started warming up. After a wrong turn followed by a tour of a shopping center and a "U" turn we made our entry into the Dealership. There were a lot of people there. I believe Elk Grove had 50 bikes there and many more from the various Chapters. After some coffee and donuts (money was going to a local youth charity) we got ready for the poker run.
Some how it was decided that I would lead the group on the poker run. It didn't make any difference that I had no idea where we were going or how to get there. My trusty navigator climbed aboard and off we went to find the stops. The route was about 110 miles. We started in Folsom and ended at the Dealership in Jackson for lunch. They were overwhelmed by the number of people eating lunch and the hot dogs and hamburgers were not that great and neither was the Safeway Potatoe Salad.
During the Poker Run the following occurred:
Leader - 4 U-turns
Some riders - 2 U-turns
Others - 3 U-turns
One navigator left behind (short distance withing the city limits of Mokelumne Hill. You expect the Sheriff to come riding up on horse instead of a car.
It takes a lot of talent and quick thinking for the leader to make more U-Turns than the group. Go figure !!!!!!
The poker run stops were in large parking lots and were well staffed to handle the large groups. There were hundreds of bikes on this run and it worked out well. I believe this was the first gathering for the Folsom HOG, I might be wrong on that but it's what I heard.
We broke up into small groups for the ride home and scattered.-- Have a great day
Alan Fitzgerald