What a great day for a ride. It started off with frost on the rooftops, but warmed up nicely as the day progressed. We began meeting at the Devil Mtn. shop at around 7:30 this morning. As always, Daisy & Bruce were there with goodies. And today we were treated to some home made breakfast burritos to warm us up for our ride. Thanks guys, you're the best!
By the time we pulled out of the parking lot there were 37 bikes in two groups. We merged onto Hwy 4 and veered north on 160 over the Antioch bridge. We followed 160 up through Freeport and all the way to Sacramento, where it turns into Freeport Blvd. We made our scheduled mid-point stop at the Starbucks on the corner of Freeport Blvd and Pocket Rd, and after some coffee & such we continued on our way. As we rode north on Freeport Blvd our group got broken up several times by the signal lights. Seems the front half of our group couldn't catch a red light while the back half couldn't catch one green. It all worked out though and the group got back together as we made our left turn onto 'L' street. From there it was just a couple of blocks down to the convention center and a couple of trips around the block to find parking. From here the group split up, most going in to see the show and some choosing to pass it up for more riding.
The small group I was with stopped for breakfast at the pancake house, then took a leisurely ride via I5 to Twin Cities and Hwy 160 back to Antioch. We saw lots of other motorcycles on the road today. Some heading to/from the bike show and others just out enjoying the unseasonable January weather. I hope everyone got a chance to get out and ride this weekend, even if you couldn't join us today.