We began arriving at the Devil Mtn shop at around 9:00 this morning for our ride to Sunol. The forecast was for cloudy skies with rain showers late in the evening and that turned out to be right on target. As usual, the folks at Devil Mtn were waiting for us with some coffee and all sorts of breakfast goodies. Aren't they great!?!
By the time we pulled out of the parking lot we had 16 bikes in the group. We rode through Pittsburg and Antioch emerging on Deer Valley Rd to the south. We turned onto Marsh Creek Rd and followed that to Vasco Rd and into Livermore. We zig-zagged through Livermore and joined Hwy 84 on the south side of town, following that all the way to 680 at the Sunol Grade. Instead of turning toward Sunol we turned east, following Calaveras Rd through the hills and along the west side of the reservoir. For some reason there were a lot of bicycles on Calaveras road today. And, as usual, they kept us on our toes as we maneuvered around them. In a couple of places they created a major hazard as we tried to dodge them. At one point in particular a car going the opposite direction stopped to make sure all the motorcycles in the group were able to safely get by on the narrow road. The bicycles overtaking the stopped car decided to pass, moving into our lane to do so. Of course this caused part of our group to stop to avoid colliding with the bicycles. There should be a law!!! Fortunately we were able to get by the bicycles without incident and continue on. We descended the hill into Milpitas and merged onto 680 heading north. We rode up 680 to the Calaveras Rd exit and turned west this time to Sunol and Bosco's Bones & Brew.

After parking we made our way inside and had a nice lunch. A few folks visited the bar area and watched Bosco pee in a cup. Yeah, really. You should check it out next time you're there.

Most of the group departed Sunol together after lunch and rode up Foothill to Bernal where we merged onto 680 north and home.
It was a great day for a ride with temps in the 60s and no precipitation, even though it was cloudy all day. A fantastic day spent riding with friends. Hopefully the rain will hold off tomorrow so we can do it again.