A great day, though a bit chilly. We had 13 bikes show up at the San Ramon shop this morning waiting to ride. Not a bad turnout for a cold Saturday morning three days before Christmas.
After visiting for a while, and looking for the sunny spots trying to stay warm, we departed for points west. We rode down Crow Canyon Rd to Castro Valley where we turned east. We followed Castro Vally Blvd to Pleasanton and turned south on Foothill Blvd. As we rode past the Stone Valley Mall we could see that a bunch of people were getting in some last minute shopping. Even though there was a lot of traffic, it didn't affect our group. We made it through Pleasanton without getting broken up. We continued down Foothill, skirting the hills, and a couple of golf courses, as we made our way to Sunol. At Sunol we merged onto Niles Canyon Rd and rode along the creek into Niles where we made our scheduled stop at the Chevron station on the corner of Niles Blvd. and Decoto Rd.
We departed the Chevron station and turned west on Decoto Rd toward the Dumbarton Bridge. The traffic on 84 wasn't too bad, and once past the toll booth we had an easy ride across the bridge. After crossing the bridge we skirted the west side of the bay on the Bayfront Expressway to Marsh Rd where we merged onto 101. From there is was a short five miles to the Holy St exit and the Hiller Aviation Museum.

About half the group took the tour while the rest of us waited for them in the parking lot. Then it was time to eat. Yeah! So we geared up for the short ride across the freeway to the restaurant. We pulled into the parking lot at the Ingleside Cafe and found parking in the back. We ate lunch and chatted and before you know it, it was time to head for home.
We made our way back to 101 and took that to Hwy 92. Then back across the San Mateo Bridge to Hayward where we made a quick gas stop. Then we rode back through town to Crow Canyon Rd and on to 680. From there the group got smaller and smaller as riders waved off for home.
Another great ride with friends. See all you secret sleuths next Saturday for the Mystery Ride ... Maybe Santa will bring you some heated gear to keep you warm ;?)
If I don't see you before then, have a Merry Christmas. And remember, don't feed Santa too many cookies! If you do, he'll be too big to crawl back up the chimney and he'll never leave ... :?D