There were 5 sleuths at the Devil Mtn shop this morning ready to follow the clues in search of our mysterious destination. We braved the fog and limited visibility getting to the dealer, but by the time we departed the fog had lifted enough so that our visibility was not impaired.
We turned south on Loveridge and were on our way. As we accelerated I noted that there was still plenty of moisture in the air as it was necessary to wipe it from my face shield in order to see. Undaunted, we continued through Pittsburg and Antioch to Deer Valley Rd. We turned east on Marsh Creek Rd and then south on Vasco Rd. As we made our way along Deer Valley and Marsh Creek we encountered varying levels of fog, though nothing too bad. At least not yet.
As we made our way along Vasco Rd the fog became so thick that we had a hard time seeing the road ahead. My visibility was additionally hampered by my hand as I had to use it frequently to wipe the moisture from my face shield. As you can guess, my glove does not make a good windshield wiper. We slowed to a safe pace and increased our spacing as we sliced through the fog. At times this increased spacing caused us to lose sight of the other bikes in the group and we had to adjust. Much to our surprise there were cars passing us in the left lane when we got to the two lane sections of Vasco. This was especially scary because we knew that they couldn't see us! One driver proved this by pulling into the group of 5 bikes between me and the bike behind me thinking that he'd passed the group. Then when he saw me (thankfully) he pulled out and went around. Whew!!
These conditions prevailed all the way down Vasco Rd, finally lifting a bit as we reached Livermore. We pulled into a shopping center parking lot in Livermore to decide whether we'd continue or not. We took a vote and wound up going to Chile's in Livermore for lunch, then returning home via 580 to 680. As we rode through Dublin the fog began to clear and by the time we reached San Ramon the sun was shining.
Well, we did have a great day with friends doing what we enjoy so much. Eating! ... um, I mean riding. We tried to unmask the illusive destination of the Mystery ride, but we just couldn't pull it off today. Guess we'll have to try again another day ....